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High seas trader pc game download

A solid “high seas” strategy game that falls far short of Sid Meier’s classic Pirates! Trading in High Seas Trader is based on a reasonable economic model, and the 3D perspective when sailing is enjoyable. In HST you take the role as captain of a ship, determined to make your fortune by trading on the high seas, as any of us did some years ago in the classic game, Pirates!
You buy products in one port and sell them for a profit in the next port, to gain bigger ships and more crew, to haul more cargo, and make more money. You repeat this process until you build up your Prestige, Daring and Wealth enough to retire to your magnificent Estate. Hey, Pirates! It should. HST is extremely similar to Pirates!
The graphics and sound in HST are very good. Each port you enter больше информации one of three or four “types” high seas trader pc game download on whether it’s a busy city port, a lavish port near the jungle or a port over in the “new world”. These city backdrops are beautifully drawn and have a painted feel to them.
On these backdrops for the ports are the bank, the merchant, the tavern, and the dock. Нажмите чтобы узнать больше is where much, if not most, of the game takes place. You can enter the tavern to hear the latest scuttlebutt amongst other sea-dogs like yourself, hire more crew or get a “milk-run” from prospective clients.
These milk-runs range from escorting passengers to a specific port or delivering a “special” cargo read: illegal items to another port. Pirates II anyone? You’ll also need to head to the dock to buy food and water for the crew, and equipment for your ship, such as sailcloth, cannons and ammo. A log basically, a big spreadsheet that’s not too well disguised is kept for you, keeping track of high seas trader pc game download much of a particular item you bought, how much you paid for it, and where you bought it from.
You can also refer to this log to get high seas trader pc game download latest estimations of how pc game cricket 2011 free download profit you can expect to gain from selling it at a specific port. You can deal in weapons, tobacco, jewels, furs, and many more items. For example: in referring to your log, you see Fur prices in Liverpool are at an all time high, while the port you’re currently in is practically giving it away.
Load up your cargo bay, determined by the size of your ship, with as much Fur products as you can hold and afford, then beat feet to Liverpool to make a killing. The bank is where you can hole up your money, so that if you’re unfortunate enough to be pummeled by a pirate, you have some cash to fall back on.
Sounds good so жмите, hunh? Great, let’s continue. Sorry, that’s it. Trading is your only real option at making money and this severely limits the depth of the game. Remember in Pirates! You’ll find none of this excitement in HST.
No sword fights, no fort storming and not much action in general. Yep, but not much. Traveling on the high seas in HST is cooler than in Pirates! You get high seas trader pc game download “3-D” first person perspective and the splashing of the waves and sea gull sounds are pretty cool.
You get to steer your ship via a ship’s wheel located in the middle of the screen and it’s fun to watch the waves and see the sky turn dark when a storm approaches. Eventually though, especially during high seas trader pc game download sea voyages, this gets tiresome and you can use a quick “go to port” feature that takes you to a particular port almost instantly, unless an event occurs along the way.
These events range from pirates and bad weather to other traders and the crew wanting to mutiny. Occasionally, you’ll have to fight it out on the high seas.
Pirates attempting to sink you to can high seas trader pc game download your cargo, switches you to a “Pirates! You use your crew to fire the cannons, and assign others to “bail duty” when you get hit. It’s pretty cool the first time, but quickly becomes repetitive. And to be honest, even though it’s more detailed than the ship-to-ship combat than Pirates!
I can’t recommend HST to anyone but the most fanatic swashbucklers out there. Ultimately though, I can’t help but feel that HST tacked on fancy graphics high seas trader pc game download a first person perspective sailing segment, to a big spreadsheet program. When you’re buying cargo at the merchant, you can almost high seas trader pc game download the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet lying underneath.
All of which is glaringly absent in HST. Filemoore 1 point DOS version. I bought it and played it when it first came out, Loved it. After several computers I put it back on to see if I could play it again since I started playing some other older games. I have читать полностью using Dosbox version 0. If I need to buy a lot of Rations I do tweak it up faster, then back down again. As for the town speed watch the flags on the building, if you go in and out it will reset the speed so you know you are going fast or slow.
MarigoldSkye 1 point. For anyone where it runs too fast, launch it with hst -p Port animations will still look fast, but high seas trader pc game download will be normal on the open sea, allowing travel and combat to function. Uploaded a new high seas trader pc game download, along the ISO and documentation of the game. Looks like the RIP is not working well though. Steve Hoyland 0 point DOS version.
Seems to load fine, but like others have said, the game crashes once you try to enter a harbour building. A shame, because It’s a decent game although It’s продолжение здесь much different приведенная ссылка similar games such as ‘Pirates gold’. Come on you great guys at MyAbandonware, please sort this out for us!
Jbh 2 points DOS version. Can the game be fixed at all as soon as you press anything at harbour scene it freezes to black dos screen. Chico -1 point DOS version. How the hell do I enter my ship’s name at the very beginning? Детальнее на этой странице can’t type anything at all. E 4 points DOS version. Share your gamer memories, help others to run the game or ссылка на страницу anything you’d like.
If you have trouble to run High Seas Trader, read the abandonware guide first! We may have multiple downloads for few games when different versions are available. Also, we try to upload manuals and extra documentation when possible.
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MyAbandonware More than old games to download for free! Browse By Download 5 MB. Play in your browser. Review By GamesDomain. Captures and Snapshots DOS. See older comments 2.
Write a comment Share your gamer memories, help others to run the game or comment anything you’d like. Any DOS Amiga. Send comment. Download High Seas Trader We may have multiple downloads for few games high seas trader pc game download different versions are available. DOS Version.
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High seas trader pc game download
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High Seas Trader – Old Games Download
GamesNostalgia is a free site maintained by volunteers. Help us keep the site alive with a donation. Money will be used the pay the costs of the servers and improve the high seas trader pc game download.
The file you are downloading is high seas trader pc game download special package created by GamesNostalgia so that you can easily run this Amiga AGA game on Windows Vista, 7 and 10, without any additional effort. All you need to do is uncompress the ZIP or 7z file into your Games folder e. See the FAQ page for more info.
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Interview with David Ahl, founder of Creative Computing If you hlgh programmed a home computer in the 70s or 80s, it’s probably because of him.