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Fly.exe download


The first step to downlozd started with Concourse is to install the fly CLI tool. You can download fly from any Concourse installation. There are download links for common platforms in the bottom right hand corner of the main page. Throughout the Concourse documentation we’ll stick to the long-form name of every command and flag. Once you’ve learned what the commands do, you may want to consult fly -h fly.exf learn the short forms.

The first fly.exe download you’ll want to do is authenticate with your target. This lfy.exe done with the fly login command. This is also useful to save targets under fly.exe download more convenient alias, so downloac don’t have to type out the URL all the time:. The login command serves double duty: it garageband pc windows 10 fly.exe download a given endpoint, and saves it under a more convenient name. Concourse deployments can be occupied by multiple teams.

To specify the team to which to log in, specify the –team-name or -n flag. If not specified, this defaults fly.exe download the main team. The login command will see which authentication methods are available for the specified team and prompt you to choose one. For basic auth, it will ask your username and downlad and use them to acquire downloas token. For Http://, it will give you a link to click, and after you’ve gone through the Flt.exe flow it will print an OAuth token on the page that you can then copy and paste into the prompt.

Note that if no authentication methods are configured, fly will acquire a token without any prompting. You can then use the alias like normal. If your Concourse uses SSL downloac does not have a certificate signed by a trusted CA, you can use the –ca-cert flag so that fly can trust the connection, like so:.

This dwnload read the value out of the file. If your Concourse instance is protected by a proxy server requiring client certificates, you can fly.exe download –client-cert and –client-key to point to where your certificate is stored.

These paths will be stored in. After you’ve logged in you can use –target example or -t example for short to run a command against the saved target example. For example, fly -t example builds fly.exe download list the last few перейти на источник on the example Concourse instance. The -t flag is intentionally stateless and must be explicitly added fly.exe download each command. This reduces the risk of accidentally running fly.exe download command against the wrong environment when you have multiple targets defined.

To check what user you’re logged in as, as well as which teams you are currently authenticated to and which roles within each team you have, run:.

Note: These two variations are mutually exclusive. Dlwnload the target parameter -t and all parameter -a are both specified, an error will occur. Occasionally we add additional features to fly or make changes fly.exe download the communication between it and Concourse’s API server. To make sure you’re running the latest and greatest version that works with the Concourse you are targeting we fly.exe download a command called sync that will update your local fly.

It can be used like so:. The fly command will also warn you if it notices that your CLI donload is out of sync with the server. Fly fly.exe download output autocomplete configuration for some shells. For example, you can add an entry to your. Note that, fly.exe download other fly commands, this command does not interact with fly.exe download remote server so you do not need to provide the -t or –target fly.exe download.

Table of contents: 1. This is also useful to save targets under a more convenient alias, so you don’t have to type out the Fly.exe download all the time: The login command serves double duty: it fly.eexe with fly.exe download cly.exe endpoint, and saves it under a more convenient name.

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