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Battlefield 4 cheats pc multiplayer download

Search for a door with a glowing green light. It is behind the brown pillar on the left, near the debris. Go outside, turn right, and search the copilot seat of the crashed helicopter to find it.
It is inside the last cell down the hall. Look down over the middle to see it sticking out. Destroy it, then enter through the truck to find it. Jump to the black scaffolding to find it. Climb onto the plane using the right wing, and walk towards the tail to find it stuck to the side with a knife. In the “Lumphini Garden” map, there are two switches that can be activated to get the Levolution event.
Near each switch are two doors that can be opened by using C4. Enter the door located just to the west of where the D flag is located in Conquest Large mode to find a radio on the floor. If a player has the Franchise Veteran Dog Tag equipped, the radio will play the Battlefield theme song when he or she interacts with it. The following Easter Egg requires two players. Have each player go to one of the two buttons shown in the video below in the “Rogue Transmission” map.
Have both players interact with the button at the exact same time to trigger the Dinosaur Easter Egg. If done correctly, you will hear a high pitch beep when activating both switches at the same time. Then, eventually one of two dinosaur soundbites will play.
You will either hear trees falling down and some grumbling or tress falling down and a roar. You may also see some trees move while the soundbite plays if you are looking in the right area of the map.
Additionally, the soundbites may continue looping every few minutes after being activated. In the “Hainan Resort” map, use a sniper rifle on top of the tall building to aim at the large ship out in the sea.
Shoot the small yellow light around the middle of the ship to cause a huge explosion. In the “Nansha Strike” map, find the buoy between the A and B control points. Have ten players swim to it, and the Megalodon will appear. It will kill anyone nearby and explode.
Battlefield 4. Are there instructions on how to start up the hack? There is already a new update. Where At? Originally Posted by Brian Moser. Originally Posted by Nekokun. Originally Posted by Rexcision. I updated it, Mayion Julma Henri. File approved, no viruses. Need the link, how to PM?
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[Battlefield 4 cheats pc multiplayer download
Submit them through our form. They work for all types of weapons. Can someone help me make a decent BF4 cheat?
Battlefield 4 cheats pc multiplayer download.Battlefield 4 Cheats
WebCompleting the following tasks will unlock the corresponding Multiplayer weapon. M Rex: Complete the mission ‘Baku’. Shank: Complete the mission ‘Kunlun Mountains’. Machete: Complete the mission ‘Tashgar’. QBZ . WebBattlefield 4 Cheats Battlefield 4 Cheats First of all, thank you very much for choosing our Cheathat cheat site. As a strong team, we will continue to provide you with . WebBattlefield Easter Egg (“Dragon’s Teeth” DLC) In the “Lumphini Garden” map, there are two switches that can be activated to get the Levolution event. Near each switch are two doors that can be opened by using C4. Enter the door located just to the west of where the D flag is located in Conquest Large mode to find a radio on the floor.