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By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. To browse Academia. This paper aims at presenting an analysis of terminological consistency in translation bases compiled by professionals.

Due to the development of IT technologies, the translators are offered new tools that manage terminology in new translation projects.

These tools suggest solutions, monitor the consistency, and enable the translator to analyse the search term or phrase in a context, and subsequently select the best equivalent. In practice, however, these tools have their shortcomings that will be discussed in greater detail. Krzysztof Fordonski. The libretto of the opera is analysed in detail driver windows rfcomm download bluetooth 10 some comments on the original stage directions of the composer and actual performances.

Pawel Bak. It poses the question of proper aphorism translating strategies. The paper also illustrates his creativity and points to the cases in which direct literal translation is justified.

Key words: aphorism translation, indirect non-literal translation, direct literal translation. Many universities have started to give place to these programs within the body of their Vocational Schools. This paper analyzes and evaluates the curricula and course contents of some of these programs. In addition, the scope of these curricula is compared with those of Department of Translation and Interpreting.

Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer. Enter the email address you signed up with and we’ll email you a reset link. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Problems of terminological consistency in translation memories.

Abstract This paper aims at presenting an analysis of terminological consistency in translation bases compiled by professionals. Related Papers. Sienkiewicza 32, tel. Contents Note from the Editors Finally, a novel aspect of the conference was a roundtable session on how to teach future translators at higher education institutions. In short, the panel provided an excellent opportunity for a relection on по этому сообщению current model of translator education at Polish universities.

Having discussed various constraints in computer game localization, the author presents translation techniques used by students in order to deal with concord-related problems in English-to-Polish translation of computer games.

Next, Katarzyna Kacprzak shares her experiences with using Google Trans- late, a free machine-translation application available online, in teaching trans- lation to students of spanish philology at a number of higher education in- stitutions in Warsaw. Discussing machine-assisted translations of various text types and genres completed by students, the logic pro windows free also shows that Google Translate may come in useful for professional translators dealing with special- ist texts.

Importantly, Katarzyna Kacprzak emphasizes that Google Translate output should be treated with caution, and that one should have both substan- очень mariadb download windows 10 этом professional experience and abbyy finereader 14 corporate licencja jednoczesnego dost pu free knowledge in order to appropriately evaluate the suggestions provided by the application. Other important issues, such as when to introduce CAT tools to students and how much time to plan for this in the curriculum, are also dis- cussed in greater detail, taking into consideration the fact that students of slavic philology learn foreign languages e.

Izabela Kusicielek explores various possibilities ofered to translators of less- er-known languages by Apertium, a free open source rule-based machine- translation platform. Finally, the use of shallow transfer rules by Apertium in the process of translation is explained in greater detail and illustrated with selected exam- ples of translations from Polish into Spanish. Apart from traditional dictionaries general and specialist onesпосмотреть еще author makes ample use of various materials online, including, irst and foremost, authentic texts.

In her paper Monika Linke-Ratuszny makes an attempt to identify the In- ternet resources for translators search engines, various types of online dic- tionaries, fora for translators, etc. Using a purpose-designed ques- tionnaire, the author also explores the strategies used by students in order to make the most efective use of the aforementioned resources when translating selected types of specialist texts.

In the following paper, Mateusz Abbyy finereader 14 corporate licencja jednoczesnego dost pu free outlines the position of translation in localization of video games. For the sake of clarity, the very speciicity of video games is compared in 4gb windows 10 usb free download paper with specialist technical texts, Internet websites, books and movies, notably in the context of translation facilitated by translation tools.

Apart from describing the curriculum in greater detail, the authors present the whole variety of ad- ditional tools online applications, Internet fora for translators, etc. In the paper, an attempt is made at determining whether it is possible to identify any registers lenovo onekey download 10 64 bit lend themselves best to be- ing translated by the application.

By analyzing English-to-Polish translations of selected legal terms found in of- icial translations of ive European treaties signed in andthe author identiied a number of terminological inconsistencies, yet also showed that cer- tain discrepancies перейти на источник corrected in later consolidated versions of the treaties.

Anna Walicka focuses on the evaluation of translation memories compiled by translators and implemented into computer-assisted translation systems. Finally, the author converts the obtained scores into time in minutes potentially saved by the translator. Capitalizing on the abbyy finereader 14 corporate licencja jednoczesnego dost pu free of translation- al errors developed by Christiane Nord, the author compares the translations of selected fragments of a satire by Klaus Staeck completed by a professional translator and by students who used online machine-translation tools.

Computer games, text assets, translation, variables, strings. Constraints in computer game localization he process of computer game localization involves numerous constraints. Since games are typically polysemiotic texts and the textual layer is usually not the primary one, problems arise between the target text and the audiovisual context in which it is placed, for instance because of limited space or the in- terplay with other channels of communication.

However, context-related problems do not necessarily need to involve the visual or the audio channel; the problematic context can also be constituted by other pieces of text. Since games can be huge projects, game translators have to maintain consistency e. It will by the last group of problems, involving variables and grammatical abbyy finereader 14 corporate licencja jednoczesnego dost pu free, which will be the subject of discussion in this paper.

Variables and grammatical concord As already noted, connecting static and dynamic text may be complicated by rules of grammatical concord. Placeholders present abbyy finereader 14 corporate licencja jednoczesnego dost pu free text strings may stand for items representing various grammatical categories which may clash with the static frameworks that surround them, or with other dynamic ele- ments.

In other cases, the list of possible values might be a closed one, but long and varied enough to efectively constitute an unknown for the translator. Both nouns indicated by the placeholders would need to be in the genitive case. And indeed, [s]ome game engines can dramatically reduce the amount of translation required by building in formulae and linguistic variables that follow the morphological rules of each language the game is being localized into.

Even if such a mechanism is introduced, the number of options is oten insuicient for the needs of Polish, with its very extensive and irregular declension system.

For instance, the very lexible and localization-friendly system ofered by Civilization V may allow for the de- clension of nouns and adjectives and for their changing grammatical gender, but it cannot be expected to feature a distinction between animate masculine and non-animate and animate non-masculine nouns, which Polish requires in the plural. In other cases, it is suicient to choose a form that is not marked for a particular feature.

In the abbyy finereader 14 corporate licencja jednoczesnego dost pu free one, the colon in a way replaces normal abbyy finereader 14 corporate licencja jednoczesnego dost pu free agreement, which would be complicated by the aforementioned case diferences between various group of numerals.

Teaching techniques for avoiding concord-related problems As this last solution shows, the notion of what is acceptable and unacceptable in localization might be counterintuitive to those used to the translation of linear texts. For instance, while teaching a course abbyy finereader 14 corporate licencja jednoczesnego dost pu free audiovisual translation, which also featured issues in sotware localization, I observed that translation around variables in particular required a very conscious efort from the students, who beneited from a structured approach to the problem: irst, they needed to identify the variables; second, to state what, можно canon quick menu download windows 10 free только a particular case, the transla- tor would be allowed to do e.

For efective teaching, it may be also advisable to assess which of the tech- niques come more naturally to students, and what disadvantages they may entail. Ater a series of classes on computer game localization, including the analysis of professional renderings and standards such as those discussed briely above, I also wished to check which of these types of solutions would materialize in student abbyy finereader 14 corporate licencja jednoczesnego dost pu free most readily so as to accordingly больше информации the curriculum.

Each student was assigned two such tasks out of the total pool of nine. Two students failed to come up with any translations and gave up; the remaining 65 translators produced render- ings in total.

Since a task could involve more than one problem, the students implemented a total of such separate, non-literal solutions for dealing with problems of the type dis- cussed in the paper. Whenever a student departed from a literal rendering to resolve a con- cord problem, the solutions were sorted into three categories: expansion, re- duction, and mutation. In localization practice, it naturally happens that some issues are never resolved in a linguistically correct way.

In order to stabilize the interface between static and dynamic parts of a text, the students could add a semantically universal, intermediary structure whose grammatical features take the strain of the interface e. Overall, among the student solutions in their translations, there were cases of expansion, 46 cases of reduction, and 97 cases of mutation; 38 problems remained unresolved. Since all the students had been introduced to basic issues in computer game translation, the results may be tentatively used to gauge future teaching strategies so as to sensitize students to the perils con- nected with speciic types of solutions.

It apparently proved to be easy and popular; it might be viewed as a safe solu- tion possible to implement almost automatically. Reduction, by contrast, was the least common of techniques. Indeed, if the technique is overused, the language tends to degenerate into primitive, choppy phrases. Interestingly, there were some excessive uses of elements associated with both expansion and reduction.

It was diicult to deinitively tell such cases apart from mere wordiness. However, cases where indicators of reduction were used needlessly are easier to spot. In 12 cases students used superluous punctuation marks to signal the interface between static and dynamic parts of the text. Compared to the two previous techniques, mutation has the potential to produce translations that are both brief and natural. However, it requires a degree of creativity and cannot be easily automated.

Also, it might involve the loss of some of the variables 10 casesor a reversal of the order in which they appear, which could be unacceptable to the commissioner. Finally, the se- mantic changes are not always innocent. Conclusions To recapitulate, during a course devoted to the translation of audiovisual texts students were presented with examples of text assets in the form of XML strings.

Student solutions for avoiding concord problems might be divided into three groups, depending on whether they stabilize the boundary between static and dynamic text by add- ing an intermediary structure, reduce the problematic elements to a non-verbal form, or change the phrase into a variant that does not pose concord problems.

Of these, the irst type were the most popular. With expansion dominating, the risk of stylistic deterioration it involves and the importance of spatial con- straints might need to be especially stressed in the didactic process. Interesting- ly, sometimes the students seemed to over-react or perhaps act automatically and use the wordy structures typical of expansion, and the unnatural punctua- tion typical of reduction, without speciic cause.

Also they might be viewed as easy to copy and use automatically, and saf- er than mutation, which indeed sometimes could run into technical problems. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Mayoral, Roberto, Dorothy Kelly, Natividad Gallardo Concept of constrained translation: Non-linguistic perspectives of translation. Meta 33 3— Venuti, Lawrence ed. London: Routledge. In: Lawrence Venuti ed. London: Routledge, 84— Zynga




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